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WKA has been operational with this uniquely comprehensive web site since April 2000. This organization has been in planning for over 13 years with a meeting held in Stuttgart Germany in 1988 with Sir Neville Marriner. The principal objective is to serve the total Clarinet World with Internet-interactive communication and interaction. Everyone, especially in this communication age is encouraged to interact online and benefit from the associations involved which can enhance his career and interests.
Everyone is encouraged to interact with each other with memberships in several related organizations and to share views and agendas. Established organizations are encouraged to align themselves as Alliance Partners in order to encourage further interaction and sharing of ideas and promotion of programs such as Festivals and special projects. WKA lists all organizations to benefit them along with the Music Industry, Music Festivals and Workshops, and Music Competitions. In short, joining WKA should never be construed as a disloyalty or competition against any organization especially if others are also members.
A key purpose and mission of WKA is an open-source grassroots growth of the Clarinet World and integration with other similar organizations in the Music and Education fields. It is hoped that this integration can open new horizons and connect people with many diverse views about music and especially International views. The List Pages contain numerous International sources of vital interest to open minds about the truly International Music World, including opportunities for growth career-wise for clarinetists.
For these very reasons, it is important to review the WKA concept and invitation for Music Organization Alliance as it will help all organizations that join.
1. Music
Organization Alliance Partner membership is FREE.
2. As a Partner, the Association is offered as a Board member of WKA the
opportunity to make possible collective influence to improve the music field
through the WKA together with other Partners, to include Project partnerships in
developing Festival Programs, and exchange programs. This factor offers
diversity and open ended agendas to improve the music field.
3. WKA Web Support for member organization programs, Including FREE
Advertisement Space on the WKA Web Site.
4. Full knowledge that
your Board participation tells the worldwide WKA members that you support THEM
as stakeholders supporting and expanding the music/clarinet field
Please Email for more information about this Program and the long range