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October 2014 Hot News





22 October 2014


Master Class with Charles West of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond at Penn State University - Tony Costa, Host


State College, Pennsylvania USA



New Information coming soon






19 October 2014


New York Wind Symphony Day at Monroe High School, New York, with Pre-College Seminar involving the top Music Schools and Conservatories for aspiring music students and Performance with VIP Soloist from the New York Philharmonic Mark Nuccio performing Copland Clarinet Concerto


Central Valley, New York USA


             A special Music day at this small town in upstate New York, featuring the hosting of several key Music Schools from all over New York to advise students interested in going into music as a profession prevailed with Schools such as Eastman, Juilliard, emple University, Potsdam, Fredonia, Hartt College, etc served to steer students in a direction to fulfill their needs to apply and evaluate.  The New York Wind Symphony performed a program and featured VIP and Associate Principal in the New York Philharmonic Mark Nuccio who performed in a Wind Ensemble transcription of Copland's Clarinet Concerto.  The day was certainly an inspiration for all who attended. Information posted above on the photo gallery to get an impression of the day's activities.







16 - 19 October 2014


10th Mercadante International Clarinet Competition - VIP Antonio Tinelli, Director


Bari, Italy


Proclamati i vincitori del decimo Concorso Internazionale di Clarinetto



             Domenica 19 ottobre, presso il Punto Verde Hotel, si è svolta la serata di premiazione del decimo concorso internazionale di clarinetto “Saverio Mercadante”. Protagonista, come sempre, la musica. Tutti i musicisti premiati hanno avuto modo di mettere in luce il loro talento dinanzi alla giuria del premio, alle autorità presenti, al pubblico ed agli sponsor che in questi anni non ha fatto mai mancare il loro sostegno alla ormai storica manifestazione, patrocinata anche dal Senato della Repubblica. Una rassegna, quella del clarinetto, che in questi anni si è fatta conoscere grazie all’opera artistica e progettuale del Maestro Antonio Tinelli, protagonista in questi anni di una intensa attività musicale in tutto il mondo che ha garantito la possibilità di stringere rapporti umani e professionali, a tutto vantaggio del concorso internazionale che nelle diverse edizioni ha visto la presenza dei più importanti esponenti mondiali del clarinetto. Il 20 e 21 ottobre, a chiusura della rassegna musicale, presso la sala conferenze di “Palladium Music” a Turi, si svolgerà il masterclass per clarinetto basso, clarinetto e gruppi di musica da camera con clarinetto a cura del docente Paolo De Gaspari. (In foto: Il direttore artistico della rassegna Antonio Tinelli con i membri della giuria e il Sindaco di Noci Domenico Nisi)


I vincitori


Categoria: Young Solist


  1. Dubreg Bence (Austria)
  2. Cary Drogo (Portogallo)
  3. Carla Gomez (Spagna)

Categoria: Junior Solist


  1. Trindade Vitor (Portogallo)
  2. Escriva Grau Alexandre (Spagna)
  3. De Virgilis lorenzo (Italia)

Categoria: Senior Solist

  1. Di Ciccio Edoardo (Italia)
  2. Baldoni Lorenzo (Italia)
  3. Mastromarino Matteo (Italia)

Chamber Music


  1. Trio Trindade, Erlich, Pires (Portogallo)
  2. Non assegnato
  3. Duo Aceto Ciammaglichella (Italia)






18 October 2014


Chicago Clarinet Ensemble Clarinet Ensemble Competition - 18 October 2014 at Northeast Illinois University - Winner: Novacane Clarinet Quartet - VIP Rose Sperrazza, Director


 Chicago, Illinois USA


New Information coming soon






10 October 2014



Concert and Master Class at Baylor University Clarinet Studio in Waco, Texas with the Berliner Philharmoniker Woodwind Quintet and Master Class with VIP Walter Seyfarth - Dr Jun Qian, Host


Waco, Texas


New Information coming soon




4, 5, and 8 October 2014




Berlin Philharmonic in rehearsal at Carnegie Hall, and evening Party with members of the New York Philharmonic and Berlin colleagues hosted by VIP Pascual Martinez-Forteza












Millersville University Day with Wenzel Fuchs - 8 October










Rutgers University Day with Maestro Fuchs - 5 October












Moravian College Day - 4 October



Master Class Tour and Performances with VIP Wenzel Fuchs, Solo Klarinettist with the Berliner Philharmoniker while on New York Tour -  at Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and Millersville University, Pennsylvania


                     The Berliner Philharmoniker tours constantly and comes to New York to play at Carnegie Hall and other venues during their stay, and other activities take place amongst their players, giving Master Classes at schools in New York. This year, organized by CEO Mike Getzin and three Professors from the above Universities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Principal Klarinettist and VIP Wenzel Fuchs engaged a stunning tour de force at these 3 Institutions to great acclaim.  The galleries and programs above tell the story, as intangibles are difficult to summarize, except that the coaching results with the involved students were spellbinding.  At each of these schools, the Recitals given by Fuchs and the host professors were exceptional, with similar programs of known repertoire, and adding the Alfred Uhl Clarinet Quartet at Moravian College with Allentown Symphony members from their Clarinet section, and Maureen Hurd-Hause from Rutgers University and Christy Banks from Millersville University performing the Mendellsohn Concertpiece #2 on their programs.  Especially for students, the recitals showcased standard works they aspire to perform and done by a master of the craft with insightful musicianship and supreme command.  This was also an opportunity to hear the Wurlitzer sound and concept as played by a German Orchestra principal, as compared to the general French sound as played in the USA.


                   Along with the performance aspects, there was a commeraderie and a joy of association by all.  This short Master Class tour was a success in every way possible with more coming in the future.  Credit for the success lies directly with the Hosts of each School who went all the way to make this set of events happen, working closely with each other to make the logistics work.  The greatest reward was the results the students got in response to the fabulous coaching.  This set of events was organized through the collective efforts with WKA VIP's including Wenzel Fuchs along with CEO Mike Getzin, Deborah Andrus, Conductor Diane Wittry and the Allentown Symphony, John Schwartz, Principal Clarinetist in this Orchestra, Maureen Hurd-Hause at Rutgers University, and Christy Banks at Millersville University.






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Revised: October 28, 2014